K-10 Curriculum
The school is divided into Primary (Years K-6) and Secondary (Years 7-10).
"Striving for Excellence" underpins all that we do at SMCS. We provide a wholistic approach to our teaching and learning and aim to maximise student achievement.
In doing this, it is our goal to ensure that all students are given the appropriate level of challenge and support to fulfil their God given potential. We believe that God created each person and that they are unique. Each student in our community has been given unique gifts and talents and it is our aim to help each individual to identify their giftings and to nurture those talents.
We deliver the NSW curriculum to a high standard and excellence.
NSW curriculum is developed in stages and outcomes are arranged in stages.
Co and Extra Curricular Activities
Music is an area where our students flourish. We greatly value our music program here at SMCS. It assists students to develop memory, including spatial memory and encourages mathematical ability. We endeavour to foster a love for music that will be carried with the students for years to come.
We deliver the NSW curriculum to a high standard and excellence. NSW curriculum is developed in stages and outcomes are arranged in stages.
One of our most anticipated events is our ShowCASE night. This event occurs during Term 4 and provides an opportunity for our students to Showcase their musical items they have been working on throughout the year.
SMCS also holds a bi-annual Musical production, which all students across the school are invited to participate in.
Public Speaking:
SMCS encourages speaking, debating and advocacy as part of an ongoing leadership programme. We offer an extensive programme of public speaking, debating and advocacy, which begins in kindergarten and continues throughout the school. SMCS students have enjoyed the school’s Public Speaking competition and have been successful in the Junior Crime Prevention debates, the Commonwealth Public Speaking Competition and the Vin Good Advocacy Competitions.
These are not stand alone competitions but are part of the overall desire for our students to become the leaders, as adults, that our world needs.
Our students can follow a defined pathway to sporting excellence. We have students who have reached representative, State and Australian standard, in a variety of sports. Our students participate in Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics events. Netball and Cricket Gala days are regular events, and our students enjoy our unique Snowsports program available in Term 3.
Service is a very important component of our learning, and our response to God’s instruction to love our neighbour as ourselves. SMCS has a Student Service Council, led by the students, which plan and facilitate acts of service and care for the rest of the school and local community. It is a place for students to develop servant leadership and to hone their leadership, organisational and management skills. Students on the SSC lead school assemblies, organise and run events like Mufti Days, fundraisers and end of term activities.